The Secret to Healthy Finger Nails your Manicurist will Never Tell You

If you get a manicure on the regular you may actually be damaging your fingernails. Yes, they look nice once they’re done but the health of your nail under the polish is likely not good.   What risks can manicures bring to your nails? Basic polish, gel, powder or acrylics all bring risks to you … Read more

2 Key Fall Skin Care Tips

Summer is coming to an end and if your like me your excited for the fall. After a record braking sultry summer they are predicting an unusually frigid winter. These new global warming weather patterns bring new challenges to our skin regimes. You can stay ahead of the changes by adjusted 2 key things. Moisturize … Read more

Beauty Tips for Enhancing Dermatology Services You Received

Dermatology services and cosmetic procedures are just one step to feeling more positive aboutyour appearance, there are also at-home care tips that can really enhance any services youhave had done by a professional. It can be hard to sift through all of the marketing scams andmisleading information regarding skincare and beauty products, but sticking to … Read more

Can a liposuction remove cellulite from the body?

Cellulite is a fat-related skin condition that affects millions of people. It appears as small, lumpybumps on the skin and generally affects women over 25 and obese men. While suction cannotremove cellulite, there are other methods to reduce or clear up any cellulite you might have. Itcan be treated to help patients from becoming self-conscious … Read more