How to Protect your Skin During Extreme Summer Heat

2021 has brought record heat temperatures in the US as well as globally. Unfortunately, with global warming this may be our new normal. Intensely hot temperatures can cause heat stress (in extreme cases heat cases heat stroke), respiratory difficulties and skin issues. In order to help you enjoy your summer, we have chosen the top3 skin conditions as … Read more

Benefits of Daily Skin Care Routine

Most of us tend to neglect the importance of regular skincare. Amongst the nutritional and health-wise properties, maintaining proper skincare implies a rich and stress-free lifestyle. Believe it or not, but if you were to adequately and constantly cleanses, moisturize, hydrate, and even exfoliate your skin, you would not only look gorgeous and feel outstanding, … Read more


Less is More The trend towards a more minimal approach to beauty has been steadily increasing for years but since Covid-19 this “more natural” approach has become mainstream and far reaching.  Gone are the days of overly contoured and “caked on” layers of makeup that once dominated YouTube and social media. With face masks covering … Read more

Why You Need to Invest in Makeup Tools

Financially-savvy people often have a dilemma between two right decisions. One problem would be to buy expensive makeup tools with the highest quality that can last for years, or go for low budget tools that can be replaced easily after a year. Such makeup tools are essential in applying  Skinfood makeup products like their Fresh … Read more

Feeling and Looking Beautiful: 7 Tips for Inner and Outer Beauty

Most women these days aspire to look beautiful. They spend small fortunes on expensive beauty products, they visit spa centers, they wax and pluck and dye everything and make sure that their clothes fit them perfectly. However, although looking your best can lift your spirits up every now and then, it won’t always help you … Read more