What order should you apply skincare products?

The order of your skin regime is important as proper layering helps to minimize irritation and assists in locking in the helpful ingredients. DayTime Cleanser – The cleaning step in your facial regime is undoubtably one of the most important. Regular cleansing with the proper product is essential to keeping your skin looking radiant and healthy. … Read more

Weighing Your Options – Understanding Your Weight Loss Journey

Weight loss is a tumultuous journey for anyone who chooses to take it. With all the new methods, cosmetic treatments, diet and exercise plans out there, it can be difficult to understand which route to take. Feeling comfortable in your body shouldn’t have to be so complicated, so read on for a breakdown of the … Read more

Best Youthful Exercise Plan for Women 50+

For most of us turning 50 brings lots of changes to our bodies. Many of which aren’t so great. As you age your body produces less collagen, your skin becomes drier, your hair thins, your heart rate slows and your bone density declines. By the time you’re in your 50s, you have more broken-down bone cells … Read more

How to Create the Natural Makeup Look in Minutes

If you have never tried it, the natural makeup look is very pretty and flattering. It doesn’t matter whether you want to try something new or you just want a more subtle look. Instead of covering up what you already have, it enhances it making it look all-natural.  Imagine that fresh, well-hydrated skin glowing on … Read more