What Can I Expect After a Facelift?

A rhytidectomy is the most common cosmetic surgery done around the world. It is a surgery inwhich a surgeon removes excess, unwanted fat and other natural tissue from your neck, face,and chin to give you an enhanced appearance. Rhytidectomy can help people suffering fromprematurely aging skin or may be needed by some individuals because of … Read more

What are the Six Causes of Skin Discoloration

Melanin is a dark, brown pigment produced by cells called melanocytes. It has many functions,the most important of which is to protect the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. Italso helps prevent DNA damage and promotes cell growth. Hormones or other chemicals canalso stimulate melanin production through increased melanocyte activity. This may cause anexcess … Read more

Best Tips to Grow Strong, Healthy Nails and Prevent Them from Breaking

As we age, our nails may not be as strong and resilient as they once were. You may want long,natural nails, but just can’t seem to get there. In this case, people may opt for acrylics for theirdurability and length. However, acrylics can severely damage your nail beds causing your naturalnails to become even more … Read more

Care for Yourself by Taking Your Skincare Routine to the Next Level

The World Health Organization defines healthcare as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” What does this mean? Why is it important? Does skincare fall under the category of self-care? These serve … Read more

Weighing Your Options – Understanding Your Weight Loss Journey

Weight loss is a tumultuous journey for anyone who chooses to take it. With all the new methods, cosmetic treatments, diet and exercise plans out there, it can be difficult to understand which route to take. Feeling comfortable in your body shouldn’t have to be so complicated, so read on for a breakdown of the … Read more

How to Create the Natural Makeup Look in Minutes

If you have never tried it, the natural makeup look is very pretty and flattering. It doesn’t matter whether you want to try something new or you just want a more subtle look. Instead of covering up what you already have, it enhances it making it look all-natural.  Imagine that fresh, well-hydrated skin glowing on … Read more

Great Beauty Resolutions for 2022

The quality of a person or an object of being physically attractive, appealing, and charming is what wecall beauty. As the year 2021 has ended, many of you might have made different resolutions aboutfitness, health, career, and even about reviving your relationships with your family or loved ones. Weoften ignore our skin and appearance while … Read more