What Are the Treatments To Help Improve Skin Elasticity?

Skin elasticity is a general term that describes how a material stretches when pulled on. Theskin has an elasticity of between 1 and 3%. Elastic skin adapts to the changing environment andprovides good health and well-being. Some treatments can help improve skin elasticity,including lasers, creams, injections, electric pulses, massage therapy, and deep tissuestimulation.The article will … Read more

Beauty Tips for Enhancing Dermatology Services You Received

Dermatology services and cosmetic procedures are just one step to feeling more positive aboutyour appearance, there are also at-home care tips that can really enhance any services youhave had done by a professional. It can be hard to sift through all of the marketing scams andmisleading information regarding skincare and beauty products, but sticking to … Read more

What Can I Expect After a Facelift?

A rhytidectomy is the most common cosmetic surgery done around the world. It is a surgery inwhich a surgeon removes excess, unwanted fat and other natural tissue from your neck, face,and chin to give you an enhanced appearance. Rhytidectomy can help people suffering fromprematurely aging skin or may be needed by some individuals because of … Read more

Best Youthful Exercise Plan for Women 50+

For most of us turning 50 brings lots of changes to our bodies. Many of which aren’t so great. As you age your body produces less collagen, your skin becomes drier, your hair thins, your heart rate slows and your bone density declines. By the time you’re in your 50s, you have more broken-down bone cells … Read more

Care for Yourself by Taking Your Skincare Routine to the Next Level

The World Health Organization defines healthcare as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” What does this mean? Why is it important? Does skincare fall under the category of self-care? These serve … Read more

What order should you apply skincare products?

The order of your skin regime is important as proper layering helps to minimize irritation and assists in locking in the helpful ingredients. DayTime Cleanser – The cleaning step in your facial regime is undoubtably one of the most important. Regular cleansing with the proper product is essential to keeping your skin looking radiant and healthy. … Read more

What are the Six Causes of Skin Discoloration

Melanin is a dark, brown pigment produced by cells called melanocytes. It has many functions,the most important of which is to protect the body from harmful ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. Italso helps prevent DNA damage and promotes cell growth. Hormones or other chemicals canalso stimulate melanin production through increased melanocyte activity. This may cause anexcess … Read more