Have you noticed that Christmas decorations went up before Thanksgiving even happened? I’m sorry but this is just wrong! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and it is for many of the people I know. Please let us enjoy it before you push Christmas on us. Here are the reasons why Thanksgiving is the best Holiday ever…
- It’s in the Fall and that season is the bomb! The leaves changing color, the crisp smell of the air, the sunny days and cool nights, taking your sweaters out of storage, snuggling up by the fire, taking long walks in the woods … I could go on forever.
- Thanksgiving is a simple holiday. The 4 F’s. Family, Food, Friends & Football. After all aren’t family, friends and food the most important things in life? Football for me, is not critical but I get that it is for others. The idea of taking one day to be together with friends and family who are important to you to celebrate and catch up is special.
- Tradition rules the day! There is something soothing about the holiday being similar each year. The tradition of what time you eat, the recipes, the football games, turkey trots, volunteering, the kids table, playing football outside while the turkey cooks, whatever your tradition might be. If you don’t have a tradition, try creating one, I think you’ll enjoy it.
- The food. I personally love all the food and could eat it year round. Turkey, stuffing, cranberries, yams, potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, apple and pumpkin pie. Each food has a special recipe and perhaps a family story. It’s one of the only holidays where friends and family bring their special dish. It’s also a chance to pass down or share recipes.
- Family and Community. While there is usually a core family I love that Thanksgiving changes each year. New friends join, people pass away and new babies replace the spot at the table. You can remember those lost and welcome the new. It’s a time when everyone can put differences aside and break bread. If your not close to your family you can choose the friends you want to share the holiday with. Either way, there is a sense of community and sharing that warms even the coldest heart.
- Time to be grateful. Thanksgiving is literally designed for you to take time to reflect and be thankful. How great is that? In our family we go around the table and share what we are thankful for. I know it sounds corny but it really makes you consider how much you have and how important those in your life are to you. Life moves at such a fast pace, we rarely stop give thanks.

So snuggle up, reach out to friends and family and enjoy your Thanksgiving. The idea of peace, warmth, community and family seems to be just what we all need right now. Hold onto that day as long as you can before the Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas madness hits.