Early Pregnancy: 10 Signs And Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore!

Dealing with the confusion: Am I Pregnant? The journey of motherhood is remarkable and sometimes surprising as well.

For women eagerly waiting to embrace the experience of bearing and birthing a child, recognizing the early signs of pregnancy is exciting and anticipating.

Some signs can be an assurity, others may be a false alarm and therefore knowing what to consider and what to avoid is equally important. 

Continue reading to explore the 10 Signs and Symptoms of Early Pregnancy.

10 Signs and Symptoms of Early Pregnancy

Symptoms Of Early Pregnancy

Here are some of the common occurrences that may indicate pregnancy,

1. Missed Menstrual Period

One of the most evident signs of early pregnancy is a missed menstrual period. If you have a regular menstrual cycle and have suddenly missed one period, it can be an indication that you are pregnant.

Typically, in a menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs during the mid-phase, releasing an egg from the ovaries.

After this implantation, the body starts producing human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), a hormone that suppresses periods.

Although irregular cycles or missing a period can be due to various other reasons, pregnancy is one primary among them all. 

2. Morning Sickness

Morning sickness in the form of nausea and vomiting occurring right after waking up can be an early sign of pregnancy.

As hormones change, particularly estrogen and hCG, they increase, contributing to morning sickness. These hormones affect the gastrointestinal tract, leading from mild to severe nausea, varying among individuals.

Morning sickness often starts from the sixth week of pregnancy, peaking around the eighth to twelfth month.

3. Increased Urination

During early pregnancy, the elevated levels of hCG hormones affect the function of the urinary system, thus leading to increased urination.

Also, as the uterus expands, it puts pressure on the bladder, resulting in either a feeling of urgency to urinate or more frequently.

4. Breast Changes

During early pregnancy, the increased levels of estrogen and progesterone make the breast tissue more sensitive and tender to touch.

Certain hormonal changes may also lead to an increased blood flow to the breasts, enlarging the cup size and leaving the feeling of fullness.

In some women, the areolas (skin around the nipples) may become dark and more profound. This happens due to the increased pigmentation via hormonal influences.

5. Fatigue

The surge of hormones can have a sedative effect during early pregnancy, leading to fatigue or feelings of exhaustion.

During this phase, the body produces more blood to supply nutrients and oxygen. As this increased workload affects the cardiovascular system, it can result in fatigue.

6. Food Cravings and Aversions

One of the early signs of pregnancy is either having increased food cravings or a sudden aversion to certain foods.

The influenced hormones during this phase alter the sense of taste and smell, making women crave usual or weird flavors/ combinations.

Similarly, some women may even completely dislike the food items they once loved. Soon after getting pregnant, those pre-loved smells and tastes suddenly become unbearable and unappealing.

7. Mood Swings

In the early stage of pregnancy, hormones can heavily impact the neurotransmitters in the brain.

Both estrogen and progesterone hormones influence the production and reception of dopamine and serotonin, thus leading to mood swings.

Due to sudden mood swings, some women may experience stress, anxiety, happiness, and irritability all one after another.

8. Heightened Sense of Smell

Another sign of early pregnancy is the heightened sense of smell. Also known as Hyperosmia, this sensitivity to odor is often influenced by increased estrogen levels.

The sensitivity can sometimes be so intense that it may lead to nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness. Also, the sensitivity degree can vary; only some women may experience it.

9. Dizziness and Fainting

Other very common, potential, and early signs of pregnancy are dizziness and fainting.  These instances occur due to increased blood production and changes in blood pressure.

The hormonal shift during the initial stage of pregnancy causes the blood vessels to relax, thus dropping the blood pressure levels.

In addition, changes in body position, such as standing, sitting, or moving too quickly, can drop blood pressure, thus causing dizziness.

10. Bloating and Constipation

Last but not least, other early signs of pregnancy are bloating and constipation.  The elevated levels of progesterone relax the digestive tract muscles, slowing down digestion. As a result, this causes gas retention, bloating, and constipation. 

List of Less Common (But Potential) Symptoms of Pregnancy

In addition to the common signs and symptoms mentioned above, here are some of the less common yet potential symptoms of pregnancy:

  • Light spotting or bleeding during the phase of implantation. It commonly occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus lining.
  • Headaches vary in intensity and duration.
  • A persistent metallic taste in the mouth is also known as Dysgeusia.
  • Nasal congestion as a result of swelling of mucus membrane.
  • Excessive saliva production.
  • Joint pain due to hormonal changes.
  • Darkening of skin in certain areas and appearance of a dark line.


Overall, the journey of early pregnancy marks a range of common and uncommon signs and symptoms.

From common indicators like missing periods, breast changes, morning sickness, and sensitivity to taste and smell to uncommon symptoms like light spotting, skin darkening, and more, the experience is vast and unique for everyone.

However, whether it is your first time being pregnant or another chance, instead of just relying on symptoms, getting tested is more important. Celebrate this incredible journey by being your happier and healthier self.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the earliest sign of pregnancy?

A. A missed menstrual period is often the earliest sign of pregnancy.

2. Is it typical to feel sick all day long in the morning?

A. Yes, during pregnancy, it is common to experience morning sickness throughout the day during various hours.

3. How soon can I take a pregnancy take after missing my period?

A. The home pregnancy test kit is meant to be used 4 to 6 days after missing the monthly menstrual period date. However, when getting your urine test done at the lab, consider waiting 7 to 12 days after missing the menstrual period.

4. Can I be pregnant yet not experience the typical symptoms?

A. Yes, every pregnancy is unique, and it is common to not experience any symptoms at all, even throughout the journey.

5. When should I see a healthcare professional when pregnant?

A. Consulting a gynecologist right after finding a positive pregnancy test is recommended. However, women generally do not visit doctors before eight weeks, which is normal for many. 


Dr. Nicola Fawcet is a highly regarded Consultant in General Medicine known for her expertise in providing comprehensive medical care with a focus on holistic patient well-being. With a passion for internal medicine, Dr. Fawcet has dedicated her career to delivering high-quality healthcare and improving patient outcomes.

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