New Year’s MANTRA vs Resolution

Drop the Resolution & Create a Mantra It’s that time of year again! According to Merriam-Webster, Resolution is defined as “A formed decision to do or not do something. Intention, resolve, decision, aim, or aspiration.” Top resolutions include:  Weight loss Quit Smoking Learn something New Eat healthier – more exercise Get out of debt & … Read more

Pink WINK – Give the Gift of Lashes & Brows

It’s October – National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Amalie is proud to be donating 1 Pink Wink for each Wink purchased this month. The donations go to breast cancer warriors. Amalie is proud to work with the Breast Cancer Charities of America and the Feeling Beautiful Again program for the 6th year. Your support in our PINK WINK … Read more

Take A Hike!

Why would a beauty blog talk about hiking? Because when your healthy inside it shows outside. I’ve gotten into the habit of hiking in the woods and find it really calming and beneficial. This weekend I took a group of friends with me to hike Crowders Mountain in North Carolina and even the least athletic … Read more