In this new decade I am recommending you do the unthinkable. Deep clean your face and then stand in front of a mirror with bright sunlight. Take a good long look at all of your facial features. Since we tend to get stuck in patterns relative to skin care and makeup this exercise is designed to disrupt the pattern and allow for a fresh look. The goal is to take a good look at what you see – both the good and the bad. Once you’ve done this, make a list of what bothers you and/or what you think your facial strengths are. While skin cares and needs are unique to each individual, we researched and located the top areas for treatment as well as the top areas for positive emphasis for women aged 30 plus.
Top overall skin concerns to be improved include:
- Fine Lines
- Dark Circles &/or Puffy Under Eye
- Sun Damage – brown spots
- Dry Lips
- Saggy Skin (skin elasticity)
If you want to read more about specific skin issues for women by age and ethnicity InStyle does a nice job of summarizing via a recent survey.

Top facial focus areas that should be accentuated include:
- Eyes (including lashes & brows)- in a scientific study in rebelcircus, 70% of the men said they notice women’s eyes first. In fact, in additional studies both men and women rated eyes the most important part of the face.
- Hair
- Lucious Lips
- Overall facial structure/balance/look
- Healthy, glowing, dewy skin
Since digging into each topic with recommendations and details will take some time, we are going to do this as a series to kick off your beauty regime for 2020. Next week we will be sharing the latest options to address fine lines and the best way to emphasize your eyes. We would like to hear your thoughts as well in case we’ve missed anything on your list.
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