Your new glasses may irritate your eyes. It takes some time to adjust yourself to new eyeglasses. Blurriness, dizziness, nausea and headache are usual in 90% cases. The reason for these problems is usually, the settling process of glasses that takes a week or so. But if you want to adjust to your glasses within a few days, you can follow some easy steps:
Wear them as long as possible!
It is a matter of common-sense that, to become well adapted to your new glasses, you need to increase the wear-time of your spectacles either you are using them for the first time or after your eyeglass lens replacement. The more you wear irritating glasses, the sooner you will adjust to your glasses. Don’t commit the mistake of shifting back to your old ones; it will increase the adjustment process’s duration. Wear the glasses when you get up and don’t remove them frequently. When irritation reaches its maximum, simply remove glasses, rub your eyes for a while and again wear them. This is how you can prolong the wearing time and shorten its duration to become adapted to new spectacles.
Choose the right one:
Another important thing is to select those glasses that you think are comfortable. Examine by wearing them while buying and checking if there is any blurriness around edges, irritation to eyes or nose, or any difficulty while looking through them. If there is any problem, check by changing the frame and if that doesn’t work, try by varying the lenses. Buy the glasses that seem to be comfortable, and adjustable to your eyes. If the frame is too loose, it will be slipping frequently. And if it is too tight, it will hurt your head. So, choose a correct sized frame with appropriate lenses.
Try blue-light blocking lenses:
When shifting to new glasses, reading the books and especially reading on a screen causes eye strain, which is a bizarre experience. The reason is the “blue light” coming from the screen, which badly affects eyes and causes headache. But no need to worry about it, there are blue light blocking glasses available in the market. These fantastic glasses block the dangerous blue light to but offer no resistance to other colours’ vision. Using blue-light lenses in your spectacles can considerably help you to adjust more quickly to your new glasses.
Throw away some unhealthy habits:
It is unsafe to watch the screen for a long time continuously even in normal conditions, but it is totally prohibited in case of newly changed glasses. Use your phone or laptop as less as possible at least for one week after changing your eyeglasses. Avoid reading books with small writing. Don’t try to drive at night, it annoys your brain, and the brain punishes you by giving an intolerable headache.
Employ some good practices:
You need to adopt different habits which will help your eyes not only in the case of new glasses but also in your regular life. When you have changed the glasses and have bought the new ones, never wear the old ones even if the new glasses hurt you. Keep books at your eye level when reading the books. Give your eyes a break during a long screen work and maintain a distance of one foot between your eyes and the screen. These tips will keep your eyes relaxed when they are already fighting a change.

Making the Kids comfortable with glasses:
Case of Kids is unique. Many of the children are curious about glasses. Their excitement for wearing glasses may surprise you, but few others think it weird to wear glasses. They feel that their appearance will be ridiculous to their peers. So, they give the parents a tough-time. But no need to worry. It is common in most cases. Take a start by selecting a frame for your kid. Allow your child to pick a frame of his/her choice. Ensure that frame is not so tight to hurt your child, nor it is so loose that it slips away frequently. Whenever your child removes the glasses, ask him to wear again. Encourage him by telling your kid that glasses are adding to his grace.
What if the problem still exists?
Headache, pain and itching in eyes may last up to 7 days. It is normal and may exceed nine days. You don’t need any of the pills or eye drops. But if these problems cross the limit of 9 days, you must ask your ophthalmologist. The doctor will retest your eyes and check lenses accordingly. There is a chance of getting the wrong number of lenses or wrong type of lenses, as each lens doesn’t fit everyone. A recheck up will solve the problem. Some minor pains may appear sometimes. But if the problem persists for more than a couple of weeks you need to get it checked by your doctor.
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