The health of your hair has always been a matter of concern. Even if you are not a fan of long hair, every one of us must have dreamt of shining healthy hair. However, rosemary is one such natural ingredient that helps you achieve both dreams.
For years, a lot of our ancestors have been using this particular herb as a part of their haircare rituals, for effective results relatively within a shorter period of time, and also to steadily maintain the results.
In this article, we will let you understand the close connections between rosemary and hair growth, the unique medicinal properties of rosemary in facilitating the same, and most importantly how you can prepare rosemary water the right way for the purpose.
Rosemary And Hair Growth
The use of rosemary for multiple health and cosmetic benefits can be most dominantly seen in a lot of Mediterranean cultures. It is believed that rosemary and its unique therapeutic benefits attained worldwide popularity and acceptance from the cultures that flourished here.
When the natives of this region traveled to other parts of the world, they also carried their favorite herb along with them and introduced it to their friends overseas. Apart from that a lot of studies and scientific research can be seen happening over these years.
When compared with the rest of the unique natural ingredients that have been proven effective for hair growth, rosemary is one of the cheapest options you may avail out there. All these factors have also contributed to the rising popularity of the herb in many ways.
In most cases, hairfall happens when there is a lack of proper blood circulation on the scalp. This issue can be effectively fixed with the introduction of rosemary into your hair care routine. Rosemary comes with a lot of anti-inflammatory properties in it. Hence any inflammations of the scalp would be easily solved and eventually, blood circulation would also be improved when the hair follicles get ready to accept the better flow of blood.
During this time, it is always advised to have a lot of green leafy veggies so that the benefitting nutritions for hair would easily the desired destination, stimulating hair growth from various dimensions. An increased supply of oxygen to the hair follicles would also be facilitated by this. This would again healthify and strengthen the hair follicles and act as a prevention against all sorts of potential follicle damage and degeneration.
Apart from all these rosemary is also a rich source of antioxidants acting as a strong defence against factors like pollution and UV radiation, that may damage the health of your hair and its growth.
Preparation Of Rosemary Water

No matter, how effective the ingredient is in promoting hair growth and solving hair health issues, if not prepared well, it can be of no use. Here is a carefully curated recipe that you may try while preparing your rosemary water next time. It is better to make smaller batches of the water to prevent the water from being spoilt.
What Do You Need?
✔ Distilled water – 2 cups
✔ Rosemary – 5 sprigs
◼ If you are a beginner in using rosemary in your hair care routine, it is always better to start with 5 sprigs of 6 inches long.
◼ If you have already used the ingredient and can confidently stand the potency, there is nothing wrong with increasing the number of sprigs you use to make the water.
◼ Do not miss out on cleaning the sprigs before the preparation. Water made using dirty sprigs can deteriorate the health condition of your scalp even more by clogging the pores.
◼ Cleansed rosemary can be put into boiling water and can be simmered for at least 15-20 minutes. This is the ideal way to make the water for beginners.
◼ But as mentioned before, if you wish a stronger version of the formula, you may let it simmer for 1-2 hours and after cooling down, transfer it to a spray bottle and use it as your daily hair toner.
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Wrap Up
Now, you know the working mechanism of rosemary in promoting hair growth, fixing hair issues, and also improving the overall health of your scalp. One of the most attractive things about preparing rosewater batches at home is that you may easily prepare a similar version of a good quality expensive rosemary oil, but in a way cheaper way and in a liquid consistency, but with no compromise in the effectiveness.