How To Get Rid Of Light Spots On Skin? Causes & Treatments

Light spots on the skin can be a cause of irritation and stress for many people, but the worst thing is that stress and anxiety can trigger these skin issues. Therefore, if you are struggling with light spots on your skin, then do not worry because they won’t cause any serious health issues. 

However, it is understandable that these light spots might make you look bad, and you may feel uncomfortable meeting new people. Also, if you want to make a professional career in fields like modeling and acting, then these light spots can pull you back. 

Still, you should not worry and try to manage your skin issues naturally, but if light spots on your skin are the result of some conditions like milia, tinea versicolor, vitiligo, etc., then you should consult with a doctor. Here, we will focus on the factors that may be causing these light spots on your skin, and we will also suggest some ideas to get rid of them.

5 Major Causes And How To Treat Them?

White spots

Light spots on your skin can happen due to different reasons and you may have to take specific treatment for the specific cause. Also, if the cause of light spots on your skin is dangerous, then you should consult with a dermatologist.

Moreover, take a glance at some causes and treatments that we have prepared for you to get rid of light spots on your skin.

1] Milia

Keratin is a protein that gets trapped under the skin, and this skin condition is called milia. Also, it can happen due to skin damage, blistering, or if you take certain medicines that are not good for your skin. Moreover, if you suffer from these issues, then light spots and little bumps may appear on your cheeks, nose, forehead, or around your eyes. 

Usually, milia do not cause pain or itchiness, and you don’t have to worry about them. Also, these little bumps and light spots will go away in a few days or weeks after their appearance. However, you can apply some creams to get rid of them as early as possible. 

Also, creams with retinoids or steroids can be helpful for this condition. Still, if you consult with a dermatologist, then you can get the best recommendation on what type of creams you should use.

2] Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a skin condition that can leave you with light spots and patches. It usually happens when the fungus that lives on your skin starts growing too much and, in simple terms, when there is too much yeast. Also, it makes spots that can be scaly or dry and can be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. Moreover, if you live in warm and humid places, then people can notice these light spots and patches even more.

When you consult with a doctor, he/she may prescribe some medications like antifungal pills to treat tinea versicolor. Also, you can use special shampoos, soaps, or creams on your skin to get rid of light spots that are caused by tinea versicolor.

3] Vitiligo

When certain parts of your skin lose color, the condition that occurs is called vitiligo. Also, it makes white patches and light spots where the cells that give color to the skin are damaged. Moreover, you should know that it can happen in any part of your skin, including your face, arms, or legs. 

Additionally, if your parents have this skin problem, then you are also at a higher risk of suffering from vitiligo. This is because genetics is one of the main reasons for this skin condition, and it is usually noticeable in people when they reach their 20s.

You should not use any random cream on your skin to treat vitiligo and consult with a doctor first. Doctors may recommend the best cream to apply, which may include corticosteroids, ultraviolet treatment, and surgery for this skin condition. Also, you can make tattoos on the parts of your skin that have lost color, but if it is your nose or face, then it may not be a good option.

4] Pityriasis Alba

Pityriasis Alba is a skin condition that causes red, itchy, oval patches of pale and white skin. These patches on the skin will heal within a few days or weeks, but they leave white spots behind. Also, kids and youngsters between three to sixteen years old can suffer from pityriasis alba more easily. Besides, sun exposure or a certain yeast can cause this skin condition, but more evidence is needed to confirm this.

Usually, pityriasis alba goes away on its own, but when it starts discoloring your skin, you should consult with a doctor. Also, you should regularly apply moisturizers and creams like Elidel can help you manage this skin condition.

5] Sunspots Or Guttate Hypomelanosis

Sunspots or guttate hypomelanosis are those white spots on the skin that show up because of a lot of sun exposure. These spots do not cause any problems, but they change the color of the skin. Also, these spots can occur on the legs, arms, upper back, and face. Moreover, it is more common in people over the age of 40, and if there is a history of sunspots in your family, then you can easily suffer from this condition.

You can use sunscreen every day, avoid too much sun exposure, and use treatments like dermabrasion to manage your sunspots. Also, consult with a dermatologist to get recommendations on creams that may include steroids or retinoids.

Final Words

Skin problems are common in many people, and they usually do not cause any serious health conditions. However, light spots on the skin make a person look bad, which leads them to live their lives in discomfort. Above, we have explored some skin conditions that can cause patches and light spots on your skin. 

Also, we have explained their cause and some effective ways to treat these skin conditions. Moreover, you should remember to consult with a dermatologist before using any cream on your skin. Also, observe your skin, and when you notice some issues, then wait some time for natural healing. If it is taking excess time, consult with a doctor.


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Dr. Luna Rey specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of skin conditions, from common conditions like acne and eczema to more complex conditions like psoriasis and skin cancer. In addition to her medical practice, Dr. Luna has a strong interest in writing and has published numerous articles on dermatology topics in leading medical journals. Her writing style is clear, concise, and easy to understand, making her work accessible to a broad audience.

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