Now that summer season has come to its close we should all be getting ready for fall to grace us with its orange leaves. The start of a new season can serve as a great motivation for a new glow up of both our bodies and souls.
Wear an SPF
You shouldn’t retire your SPF as fall begins, actually you should wear it all year round! UV rays are most detrimental to our skin during the summer since most of our skin is exposed and we’re outside for much longer. Putting on a dollop of sunscreen on you every morning before makeup will ensure you have young looking skin for much longer.
Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in any beauty routine, no matter what the season we’re in! Investing in a nice moisturizer may be a life changer for all of you out there who struggle with dry skin. Many people get itchy dry patches on their skin during fall and winter. The main culprits for this are bad moisturizers and chilly wind. If you’re still dry even if you apply moisturizer every day, replace the one you have with one with a stronger formula. Look for creams which have hyaluronic acid as the main moisturizing factor.

Treat yourself with a facial
Most of us believe we simply never have time to treat ourselves with something as indulgent as a facial treatment. Most of the time facials don’t last more than an hour, but they have long lasting effects on our appearance. There are so many popular treatments on the market such as different chemical peels, microneedling or simple face massages, so you’re bound to find one that fits your skin type and needs. If you happen to be around the Singapore area we urge you to get the best facial treatment in Singapore by Face Holistic. Their professional beauticians will pamper you and your skin and make you feel like a million bucks.
Start working out
A start of a new season is a great way to start a new chapter of your life as a better, fitter self. Working out isn’t one size fits all. What one person may find enjoyable, may be boring to someone else and the third person may find it too intense. So, for the beginning, figure out what movements feel good to your body. It may be jogging, yoga or a heavy gym session, it truly doesn’t matter. Strive to jam in at least three workouts every week. After a couple of weeks of consistent workouts you will feel more powerful and in charge of your body. As an added plus you will tone your body! How’s that for a glow up!
Take care of your hair
Summer can be pretty tough on our locks. Sun and sea water can have a horrible effect on the hair which is why it’s so important to get a trim as the new season begins. You may even want to add some highlights to hold on to that summer look for a bit longer. If you’d like to have the healthiest hair possible you should also pay attention to your diet, making sure you get enough vitamins and minerals.
Get some rest
If you’re not sleeping well but you follow all of our other advice, chances are you will not reach your full glow up potential. Having a good night’s sleep is crucial for your body to recover from the day before. Get rid of your electronics, darken your bedroom and give yourself the best back to school gift – sleep.
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