Everyone loves summer. Time outside by the pool, ocean or lake can be amazing but can also change your hair health. Summer hot weather and the sun’s UV rays can damage the cuticle layer in your hair. Cuticles in hair tend to become rough and swell in the heat causing frizz. When hair becomes frizzy is can cause breakage and/or become unmanageable. With summer just around the corner let’s get into some of the top summer hair beauty tips.
Optimize Hair Health
The warm weather can dry out your hair cuticles as well as your scalp. The key to keeping your hair healthy is conditioner. Just as you update your makeup for summer months you should consider updating your shampoo and condition for the summer to be sure that your products have lots of moisturizing properties. If you’re not sure what to purchase we like this post from Allure.com where they highlight specific summer hair needs like color protection and frizz.
Consider washing your hair less often. This sounds counterintuitive but by washing less often you’re protecting the natural scalp oils that help to keep your scalp and hair balanced.
Although there are debates, most feel hair can grow faster in the summer months due to the increased blood flow on the scalp. One of the ways to keep your hair from frizzing is to be sure to keep up with your hair trims. Trimming the ends of your hair regularly helps to keep the frizz down and overall hair health up.
Protecting Your Hair from the Sun
Summer sun is very strong and can damage treated and untreated hair. You can try a sunscreen for your hair or simply cover your hair with a stylish hat. You may not be aware but there are numerous sunscreen products for your hair. Many of them not only protect your hair from the UV rays but they also seal your hair so that the pool chemicals don’t effect your hair. If your unsure of what to try, we like this post from harpersbazaar.com.
Thank goodness there are so many stylish hats to choose from. We recommend trading up from your trusty baseball cap to a straw hat, bucket hat, or a canvas safari hat. If you’re not sure what to buy just google summer hats and you’ll literally find thousands of choices at all price points. Getting a new summer hat just may be the best investment you can make.
Nourish Pool Hair
Pool Chlorine will leech all of your hair’s natural oils from it, leaving your hair damaged, dry and rough. The natural oil your body produces keeps your hair healthy and smooth. Regular exposure to pool chlorine can cause chemical reactions inside of your hair which can lead to split ends and hair color changes. So what can you do to see your hair healthy? One of the natural recommendations we found was to coat your hair with olive oil prior to swimming and then place a swimming cap over your hair. The warm sun will bake the oils into your hair and help strengthen the cuticles as well as your scalp. This approach is especially helpful if you swim laps each day. Adding this home treatment a few times a week can do wonders for your hair.
If you only swim occasionally simply rinsing hair before and after exposure to the pool water can make a big difference. For those of you who camp out at the pool in the summer and want to protect your hair we like this post from forswim.com. They highlight in detail the steps you can take and how to color correct if your blond hair turns green.
Try a New Less Fussy Style
If your hair tends to curl or lighten during the summer months you may want to just let it happen naturally and go with a new summer style. If your hair is naturally curly and you usually straighten it; try letting it dry naturally and simply consider adding a tonic to provide some extra shine and nourishment. If your hair naturally lightens and the sun creates highlights, go ahead and embrace them. Consider adding a few more around your face to showcase your facial features. Your hair gets enough heat in the summer form the sun and warm temperatures so we love the idea of air trying your hair as often as possible. For tips on air drying we like this post from self.com.
In summary, you can optimize and protect your hair from the summer heat by following a few easy steps. If you choose to you can even try a new more natural hairstyle. Enjoy the summer sunshine and local pool with confidence.
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