It’s October – National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Amalie is proud to be donating 1 Pink Wink for each Wink purchased this month. The donations go to breast cancer warriors. Amalie is proud to work with the Breast Cancer Charities of America for the 7th year. Your support in our PINK WINK buy 1 give 1 program allows us to donate more each year. We have donated thousands of units and look forward to donating more.
Your purchase helps women fighting breast cancer get back to feeling attractive again. After losing a breast to cancer or your hair during treatments, countless women have shared that the whole experience is equivalent to losing your femininity and sexuality all at once. Accepting a post-cancer body is often very difficult and can leave many patients with body image issues and low self-esteem. But simple acts of care and kindness can help.
Winks organic and natural fatty acids help enable women in treatment to help stimulate their hair follicles from a resting phase to a growth phase, thus producing new lash and brow hair.
Wink is an organic lash & brow enhancing oil, aimed at helping to naturally stimulate hair follicle growth. By leveraging a custom mix of essential fatty acids, this hypoallergenic beauty oil will give lashes & brows a more lush & full appearance. Visible results at 2 weeks; full results at 8-12.
Essential fatty acids have been found to increase prostaglandin/prostaglanoid production in individuals with a deficiency (Medical Hypotheses, 1980). Prostaglandins stimulate eyelashes & brows to enter & prolong the growth (anagen) stage. Click here for the Science of Wink
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