Wearing perfume is an art that requires to be mastered if you want every head to turn in your direction. So if you want to do this right, then this text is right for you. Therefore, next time you decide to apply your favorite fragrance, you’ll smell amazing, so read on to find out tricks that will make your perfume last longer.
Wear perfume with unscented body spray
A deodorant is a must if you want to prevent sweating and perspiration. Many, if not most deodorants, come scented, but when you wear perfume, you should let it be the only shining star. Unscented deodorant is perfect in this case because there won’t be unusual mixtures of smells, and your body will still be safe from unwanted sweating.
Apply perfume to your clothes as well
If you decide to spritz perfume onto your clothes, well, you’re in for a nice surprise! Clothing fibers tend to hold in scents for many hours, which is why applying it to your garments is a great trick that will ensure a long-lasting pleasant smell.
Store your perfumes in the right place
Many people make mistakes and store their fragrances in the bathroom. This seems like a perfectly sound idea, after all, we all put our cosmetic products on the bathroom shelves. But, since the bathroom is a place that gets used often, it’s safe to say that light, heat, steam and humidity can spoil the quality and intensity of the fragrance. That’s why your perfumes should be kept in cool, dry, and dark places, away from the windows and daylight in general.
Apply perfume on the right body points
Your wrists, the insides of elbows, below the midriff, and your neck are all perfect places to apply perfume there. Now, these body points are naturally warm, which can help fragrance diffuse all over the entire body. Also, feel free to spray your ankles or calves, so the scent will rise during the day. If you’re looking for a well-made, elegant perfume that’s also unique and androgynous, then check out Replica By The Fireplace Review to learn more about this amazing fragrance. Choosing the right type of fragrance, and applying it properly, is important if you want to smell good throughout the day.
Mix perfume with unscented cream or lotion
This is a great solution if your perfume is running low. Mixing a few last drops of perfume with unscented lotion is a nice way to make your cream smell nice. You can also mix your perfume with unscented body oil, to add more glow. This will also hold the scent better, while your old perfume will be thoroughly used.
Use cotton swabs
Need to reapply your perfume in the middle of the day? Well, in that case, applying perfume on cotton swabs is an excellent idea. After all, it’s much easier to carry cotton swabs than a whole bottle of perfume. Apply perfume on cotton swabs, and then place them in ziplock sandwich bags, so next time you need a quick touch-up, you’ll have easy access to your fave fragrance.
Prep your skin beforehand
Sometimes, prepping your skin only for a bit goes a long way. Applying Vaseline or another type of petroleum jelly onto your body’s pulse points can help the scent last longer. The product can hold the scent for much longer than applying it to dry skin. And in case petroleum jelly is too heavy for you, you can always opt for an unscented lotion instead. Just make sure to use an oil-based lotion or moisturizer, as they’re more effective.
These tips will help you wear perfume the right way, plus it will last you much longer. Therefore, apply some of them next time you have a special event, and your perfume will linger after you for many hours.
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