What exactly does “natural hair” really mean? It means you can put all of the hair dryers, curling and flattening irons and hot airbrushes aside for a bit and let your real texture and color shine through. According to the Pinterest 2021 Trends Predictions report, low-maintenance hair styles are the new hair trend.
Top 2021 Hair Care Trends & Styles
Air Drying
Air drying wet hair allows your hair to get a break and enables you to celebrate your natural hair texture. Removing waves and curls is out. Natural texture is in. Tip: Try braiding your hair while it’s damp and let it air dry. When dry, run your fingers through and separate the braids. You’ll be left with soft beautiful beach waves.
Braids have been popular for the past few years but they seem to be back with a vengeance. New braids like bubble braids and box braids are particularly hot. Check out these bubble braid styles as well as instruction on Pinterest. Box Braid styles can be found here from Allure .

Let it Grow
Since we’re still in the middle of the COVID pandemic and many are working remotely, lots of women are opting for fewer hair cuts, thus longer hair. When women do go to get their hair cut they are seeking new longer length options. The hottest trends for 2021 include: super shaggy layers, long hair layers and 60’s bangs. Tip: If your growing your hair out and it’s in that “awkward” phase, try using barrettes, headbands, scrunchies and other hair ornaments. Hair accessories are still hot and could help to cover up the grow out phases.
New Beginnings
The opposite of letting it grow is the trend to start over. If your hair is damaged or you want a drastic change 2021 allows for you to shave or cut hair to very short levels. If you’re working from home, you can try out the style and/or let your hair grow back over time without drawing complete attention to yourself. Hair will always grow back so you have a few months before summer to try something more bold.
Home Grown Styles
Personal touches like beads and color highlights are also growing in popularity. Experimenting with color is becoming very popular. In particular temporary color and highlighted strands. Tip: If your considering a new color or a few color strands try a temporary color first and live with it for a while before doing anything permanent. There are so many goo choices weather its temporary hair chalk, wax or gel.
Natural Color
The trend to go gray or revert to original hair color is still strong. Gray and silver hair continues to be popular for women of all ages. If you’r working from home for months, it’s the perfect time to allow your hair color to grow out. That awkward growing out (half and half) phase is the worst part of going back to your natural color and now you can do this from the privacy of your home. Tip: Have a Zoom call? Wear a hat or adjust your hair style so that others aren’t able to see the two shades/colors.
In summary, 2021 and COVID are empowering women to return to basics. Natural hair color, textures and simple home styling allow women to look stylish and unique without lots of extra effort. This new trend allows for personal expression while also helping to protect your hair from styling damage.
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