Best Vitamin For Crepey Skin: Does It Work?

Crepey skin is one such skin condition, in which your skin may resemble a crepe paper. Reduced thickness of the skin is one of the main characteristic features of this particular skin condition. Apart from that, a noticeable appearance of the wrinkles can also be listed along with it. There are a lot of reasons that lead to such a skin condition.

If you are exposed more to harmful UVA and UVB rays of the skin, you are more likely to have this condition. This skin condition can also happen as a part of the natural aging process. People who hydrate themselves beyond sufficient levels are also likely to have this issue with their skin. 

However, one of the most fortunate things about this type of skin is that it is possible to reverse this condition and bring back the natural glow and elasticity to your skin. This is possible with the help of a couple of essential vitamins that might be lacking in your body. But if you have this condition as a part of your natural aging process, you may not be able to reverse the condition, rather reduce the appearance of your textured skin including its wrinkles and reduced thickness. You can also delay this process and prevent the issue from worsening any further.

This article is all about the vitamins that you are suggested to consume daily to increase the elasticity of your skin and thereby reduce its textured appearance. 

4 Best Vitamins For Your Crepy Skin

Best Vitamins For Crepey Skin

Vitamins are among the vital components, as they provide significant benefits for preventing crepey skin. Let’s look at the top four vitamins that can help your skin renew and regain its youthful beauty.

1. Vitamin A 

This is one of the fat-soluble vitamins that can help you significantly with the textured appearance of your skin. You may find it in a lot of varied sources such as carrots, eggs, squash, milk, and so on. It is not about the sources you choose to include in your daily diet, but it is all about getting the required amount of this particular micronutrient from your dietary preferences.

If you find yourself unable to get a sufficient amount of Vitamin A through your diet, you may also consume dietary supplements daily, with the consent and prescription of an expert medical practitioner. This is one of the vitamins that can help you with the health of your eyes, the quality of your vision, and also the health and strength of your nails along with improving the health and appearance of your skin. 

2. Vitamin C 

This is again something that you can’t miss out on if you are trying to improve the quality and texture of your skin. This is one of the best antioxidants you can have through your dietary preferences. Citrus fruits are one of the major sources through which you can have this particular micronutrient and use it for the various physiological activities that happen in your body. This micronutrient has the potential to fight the presence of free radicals in your body and thereby protect it effectively.

Apart from that, Vitamin C is one of the most powerful and popular anti-aging ingredients out there. Moreover, it can also effectively prevent the destruction of collagen cells in your body and thereby help protect its elasticity and glow in a better manner. Vitamin C can also be applied topically to improve the texture and brightness of the skin. Serums are the best ways through which you can get it done. All you need to do is apply this serum on a cleansed and dried face and then top it up with a hydrating moisturizer and a broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen without fail.  Make sure that your sunscreen has a Sun Protecting Factor of 50 or more. 

3. Vitamin E 

This vitamin is generally regarded as the beauty vitamin among all the other vitamins. Just like Vitamin C, this vitamin is also a great antioxidant that can help you with the health and texture of your skin. Brussle sprouts, chicken, various kinds of fish, kale, green bell pepper, etc. are some of the best sources of this particular micronutrient. It can fight against the free radicals found in your body and thus prevent the speed of developing fine lines and wrinkles on your skin. You can also have this vitamin as a daily supplement and these can be easily bought over the counter. Using 1-2 capsules of Vitamin E capsules in your face masks, body lotions and other formulations can also help you significantly in a lot of ways.

However, if you have dry skin in your body and oily skin in your facial areas, be cautious while applying this on your face since this can make your facial skin look extremely oily and greasy. It is also important that you are not overdosing with this particular vitamin capsules, since these are easily available all around. You may also simply apply this on your skin where it has a crepey texture and then wash it off once it gets dried completely. 

4. Zinc 

Even if it is not a vitamin, this can also be consumed as an essential micronutrient that can help you improve the texture of your skin. You can also have a lot of anti-inflammatory benefits from this particular mineral. Thus it can immensely help people with sensitive skin conditions.

Apart from that, it can also significantly help in maintaining the moisture and suppleness of your skin. The antioxidant properties can help in fighting the effect of free radicals and thus protect the skin from anti-aging and other similar concerns. Nuts and various sources of meat can be regarded as the best sources through which you can have the maximum of this particular mineral.

Wrap Up

These are some of the best vitamins that you need to include in your daily diet to deal with the issue of crepey skin. Apart from that, you can also make use of a lot of other micronutrients such as selenium, B vitamins, and so on to serve the same purpose. However, if you are not able to find significant results even after having these nutrients continuously for a longer period, you can also get the consultation of an expert dermatologist and get your condition treated. 


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Dr. Luna Rey specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of skin conditions, from common conditions like acne and eczema to more complex conditions like psoriasis and skin cancer. In addition to her medical practice, Dr. Luna has a strong interest in writing and has published numerous articles on dermatology topics in leading medical journals. Her writing style is clear, concise, and easy to understand, making her work accessible to a broad audience.

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