How To Use Clove Water For Hair Growth?

Clove Water for Hair Growth

Everybody wants to have a dashing personality, and for that, they mainly focus on face and hair. However, the fast pace of life and getting more inclined towards an unhealthy lifestyle results in the disbalance of hormones, due to which hair loss occurs. In addition, other factors are primarily responsible for hair loss, including heredity, … Read more

3C Hair – What Are The Tips And Care?

Type 3C Hair

The Andrew Walker scale is often used by hair care professionals to identify different types of hair. Yes, it might seem surprising to some, but hairs are classified into different types. Dense, curly locks are classified as type C hair. The classification offers a better overview of the caring needs, styling methods, and other aspects … Read more

4C Hair Types: Best Hair Styles & Maintenance Tips Explained!

Best Hairstyles For 4C Hair Types

A person’s hair is undoubtedly and arguably the most important factor in their elegant appearance, personality,  and confidence. Maintaining them requires consistent efforts and the right treatment. But not all treatments, products, natural or non-natural remedies work with every hair as they are unique and of different properties from scalp to each hair strand. In … Read more