This President’s Birthday weekend got me thinking about makeup and beauty trends in the 1800’s vs today. Just how different would it have been for me back then? Turns out it’s not hard to make the case that we are reverting back to beauty trends 200 years ago.
Here are some examples:
- The healthy/natural look is in.
- There is an appreciation for skincare with natural ingredients .
- Homemade and natural makeup are popular.
- Various hair styles are popular. Use of wigs and clip on extensions allow women to adjust their style daily if they wish.
- Big butts and small wastes are all the rage. Women’s curves are appreciated and our version of beauty is shifting from super skinny to healthy and more curvy.
Skin Care
In the 1800’s skin care was especially important to well-off women. Cleansers and moisturizers and were used to keep the skip soft, moisturized and clear. Natural ingredients were used like animal fat, rosewater, cucumbers, strawberries and milk. Many women made their own formulations. Women were encouraged to avoid the sun and sun tanning. Taking exercise outdoors was encouraged so that you could achieve the rosy-cheek effect.

Today, natural and organic are back on trend. When Alicia Keys announced she was not going to wear makeup and others followed suite the #NoMakeup movement was born. Alicia hosting the Grammy’s nearly barefaced got the world talking about natural beauty. It’s simple – to minimize makeup you need to take care of your skin. Alicia Keys and others have shared their skin care regime. One of the common tools among all of them is the use of a quality facial oil like SHINE.
Make up In the 1800’s was simple. The average women favored a more natural cosmetic appearance. Here are some of their beauty tips.
Blush/Rouge – Blush was the most popular cosmetic in the 19th century as rosy cheeks we’re seen as a sign of good health. Blushes came in liquid, cream, and powder forms and numerous highly pigmented shades were offered. Carmine (from insects) was the most common pigment used and some women also made their own using flowers and other natural pigments.
Eyes – Lamp black or soot was mixed with oil or water to create eyeliner, shadow or mascara. The effect was not natural as a result it was used sparingly.
Lips – Commonly used by lip salves and tints were sold in many stores. Many lip glosses were tinted in pink or red tones.
Foundations – Tinted foundations were available but not widely used. Face powders were more common. These were typically made from rice flour. Those with the budget would get powders with additional ingredients added like crushed seashells for a glow.
Does any of this sound familiar? It’s not just me – check out the predictions for 2019 below.