Rose is a beautiful flower and many of us would hardly take our eyes off them if we spot one. It is also the symbol of love and can be grown in multiple shades from white to blood red. Poets have immortalized it for us and at least some of us have this thorny shrub planted in the garden.
However, rose is not all about beauty it’s about benefits too. The water extracted from its petals is a part of various face creams and talcum powders. This blog will discuss how rose water can be helpful for your hair as well.
What Is Rosewater?
Belonging to the genus Rosa, the rose has been divided into over 180 odorless and fragrant species depending on the requirement. Rose water is not quite as simple as it may sound.

All one has to do is boil the rose petals until their essence transfers into the water through distillation. The method is used to extract rose oil which leaves rose water as a residue.
Though there have been varying accounts, Iran(known as Persia) is credited with the growing popularity of rose plants. It has been around for over 5000 years roughly spreading its glow in various parts of the world.
Avicenna, an Iranian chemist is the one who decided to try something extraordinary with this fragrant flora. Romans who were always ahead of their time also mentioned the use of rose water in their older scriptures.
After making its way to Greece, and to Egypt inside the bathtub of Cleopatra, rose water got acquainted with the European market. While it did find popularity by the middle ages, by the 17th Century, it had already started to become a part of multiple luxury items.
What Are Its Benefits?
Usage of rose water as a main ingredient in face and skin solutions is widely known. According to researchers using it on the skin has the following benefits-
- Treats redness, puffiness, and flaky skin
- Helps skin regain its lost oxidation
- Can make you look younger than you actually are
- It cures a bad throat or related infections
- Can hydrate the skin tightening it.
What Can It Do For Your Hair?
This might come as a surprise to a lot of people but rose water is good for your hair. Given below are its major benefits-
- It makes your hair dandruff free – It is mainly made of acidic components and when you apply it on the hair, it creates a non-conducive environment for dirt. This is when our scalp becomes unattractive to dandruff.
- Smoothens and nourishes your hair – So what rose water basically does is help the hair roots absorb the hair products that you use.
- No more hair loss – Anybody with hair would tell you that their worst fear is losing all of it. As rose has anti-oxidant properties, it keeps your scalp clean and free from anything harmful to the hair to stick around.
- Say bye-bye to allergies – Many people suffer from various scalp allergies that make their skin itchy. Rose water can help in this area too.
- Makes your hair free from frizz and oil – We all know how terrified both conditions make us. Especially when getting ready to go out. An easy way is to use rose water and get those beautiful tresses flowing.
- Be tense-free – According to many studies applying rose water would give your head a resting effect and calm your nerves.
- Makes you Rapunzel – for those who didn’t get the reference, rose water can help your hair grow. As it is filled with all kinds of Vitamins, it comes as no surprise.
How To Use It On The Hair?
There are various ways in which you can incorporate rose water into your daily haircare routine. Some of them are-
✅ Use it after your Shampoo+ conditioner routine-You can leave it overnight and then maybe wash it off the next morning.
✅ Spray it on like serum or hair mist to manage frizz. Carefully comb through and detangle your locks.
✅ Add a few drops to the water you are using to wash your hair. This way you don’t have to worry about washing it away later.