We have come across romance novels where the lovers proclaim their love in a rather far-fetched manner. One could be saying, “I would perish without you” and the other hearing those words would be trembling. However, there is one thing you cannot live without according to science and that is oxygen.
Oxygen is an element that facilitates all the processes in the body. If there is none in the body or the levels go down, things could get catchy for us. This article will give you tips to raise your blood oxygen levels. We will also be discussing why it is important to keep your blood oxygen levels normal.
What Is The Blood Oxygen Level?
Blood oxygen levels refer to the amount of oxygen found in blood. We know how our respiratory system filters out oxygen from Carbon dioxide and gathers it for the other parts of the body to use. Blood being the carrier, must carry it via red blood cells to the body as required by them. However, there is a particular level that should be maintained in the blood too.

Often measured in SaO2 or the Oxygen saturation levels, it should be between 95-100% and never lower than that. When the levels go down, it is a real possibility that the individual could be going through some physical difficulties including cardiac arrest or respiratory problems.
Most of you might be well aware of the pulse oximeter that widely came into use during the COVID outbreak. It was used to determine the levels of patients with low oxygen levels as the virus attacked the lungs primarily. However, when oxygen is scarce in blood in general it can cause Hypoxemia. It could be the indication of something sinister including-
1. Shortness of breath- Individuals without enough oxygen in their system might feel like they are being suffocated. This makes them breathe forcefully as the lungs try to perform as much as they can.
2. Cyanosis- When the oxygen supply is cut off for a long time, chances are the lips, toes, and fingertips all turn bluish and need immediate medical help.
3. Confusion and Cognitive impairment- The deoxygenation in blood could also cause a state of hysteria since the brain will not be working at its full potential. Additionally, you could be making errors when making decisions, and your memory might also be weakened.
4. Tachycardia- This occurs as the heart stops getting enough blood to function and it starts beating at a faster rate than 72 beats per minute, the normal range.
5. Chest pain- Due to the insufficiency of oxygen transported to the organs, chest pain could also be a symptom and a sharp pain can get you easily.
How To Raise Blood Oxygen Levels?
Now that we know how scary the situation without proper oxygen in the blood could be, we can look for ways in case that happens. What if the pulse oximeter gives us a reading of 60 or 70? It could generally go beyond 80 % in some cases but the former needs a closer look. To avoid the situation, you can opt for some techniques mentioned below or some when the need comes.
1. Breathing exercises- This is the best way to control and normalize the oxygen levels in the blood. This could help the lung expand and take in the maximum oxygen available in the environment without hindrance. Though we breathe involuntarily, voluntary breathing could also be specified on dire occasions. Go for deep breathing or inhale- exhale as guided by your instructor.
2. Regular exercise- There is absolutely no escape from getting some exercise. No matter what the problem is, the solution is exercising. It will not only help improve the health of your organs but also easily filter out any dirt trapped in the air. Moreover, without exercising you might go breathless after climbing a few steps but with exercise, you could do it quite easily.
3. Stay hydrated- You might be thinking about the connection between water and oxygen. Well, the blood is made of water and most organs need water to function. In this scenario, if the water content in the body runs out, the blood will not be able to transport the oxygen and hence the above-mentioned symptoms could start. So drink water especially if you are walking in the sunlight for long hours.
4. Maintain a healthy diet- This too comes as no surprise as people with greater fats have problems breathing. They get weak easily and might get breathless after a little light walking. To avoid this, you must be careful to maintain a balanced diet.
5. Avoid smoking- Nicotine in your cigarettes could damage the lungs by accumulating tar in them. This could make it unable to filter out air and as a result, might lead to the accumulation of dirt and bacteria. This could deplete the level of oxygen in blood and can even give birth to cancerous cells without any warning.
6. Manage stress- With stress comes anxiety and it could be similar to that of breathlessness. While respiratory diseases could have an underlying cause, anxiety has a psychological cause, and yet the oxygen supply in the body is diminished. This means symptoms of deoxygenation could show up. Therefore being mindful or doing yoga can be a better choice.
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Blood oxygen levels should be optimum at all times due to various reasons. Not only can it determine our survival but also the way our body works and processes including cognitive abilities. Without oxygen, your body will not be the same and you could go into a coma if it persists for more than 5 minutes.
To avoid the circumstances leading up to it, you should have a proper regimen at hand. You should not only be breathing techniques but also quit smoking and not put your lungs at an obvious disadvantage. Drink water, eat a healthy diet, and take proper rest to ensure your circulatory system works in perfect and pristine condition.