How To Treat High DHEA Levels In Females? Things To Know

How To Treat High DHEA Levels In Females

Women suffer from various hormonal balances in the body that make changes in their menstruation cycles, working efficiency, and reproductive health. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one such hormone that is naturally produced in females’ bodies. It is responsible for serving as a precursor to various other essential hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. So, if it fluctuates, … Read more

6 Best Exercises For Piriformis Muscle Syndrome

6 Best Exercises For Piriformis Muscle Syndrome

Piriformis muscle syndrome is not very common, but many people still suffer from this condition. Thus, if you are suffering from pain in the central region of your buttocks and legs, then it can be piriformis muscle syndrome.  Also, when you suffer from this condition, you live a very uncomfortable life because you feel pain … Read more

Xerosis: Here’s Everything You Need To Know!

Know About Xerosis

Xerosis is skin dryness. Although it is often presented as a trivial problem, chronic dry skin can cause discomfort and irritation accompanied by different complications. This article seeks to give a thorough review of xerosis including the causes signs and treatment procedures. Through a better understanding of this condition, people can deal with and relieve … Read more

Which Is The Best Time To Take Shilajit? Benefits Dosage Explained

Which Is The Best Time To Take Shilajit

In Ayurvedic texts, shilajit is mentioned as one of the strongest and highly nutritional supplements that provide immense energy to do work. In recent times, people mostly use these superpowerful ingredients to improve their libido, especially men.  Apart from improving sexual desire, the supplement is also used to improve mood swings and provide energy and … Read more

Does Ozempic Cause Constipation? How To Manage?

Does Ozempic Cause Constipation

People often ask: does Ozempic cause constipation? The truth is any medicine can cause side effects, and it is the same with Ozempic. Thus, you should know that when you start taking Ozempic, sometimes it can cause some side effects like abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and constipation. However, these side effects won’t last longer … Read more